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Martin Woesler


Martin Woesler, Chinese name Wu Muting, PhD in Sinology from Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, since 2019 Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Distinguished Professor of Hunan Normal University "Xiaoxiang Scholars", Director of the Center for International Sinology, since 2020 EU Jean Monnet Chair. Since 2023 Director of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence. Main research fields are the Red Chamber Dreams, comparative literature, translation, intercultural communication, contemporary Chinese literature. 66 books, 33 translations, 33 papers in English and Chinese, 41 successful applications for research grants (EU Horizon 2020, German National Science Council, Hanban China, German Ministry of Science, European Science and Scholarship Foundation, etc.). 2019 nominated as "Best Professor" of Germany, in 2020 he received the "Friendship Award of the Chinese Government",  in 2023 the "Friend of Chinese Literature" award of the Chinese Writers' Association, and in 2024 the “Foreign Translators” Award of the Chinese Translation Association. He is the president of the German-Chinese Association, the president of the World Association for Chinese Studies, the vice president of the Harvard Visiting Professors in the Humanities, the president of the European Society for the Study of the Dream of the Red Chamber, the C.E.O. of European University Press, an advisor of the German Ministry of Education and Research, and an advisor of the Humboldt Foundation in Germany. Other part-time jobs: researcher at the University of Witten/Heidecke, Germany, head of the international project "History of Sinology", editor-in-chief of the periodical series "European Journal of Sinology", "European Journal of Chinese Studies", "Bulletin of the German China Association", and "Sinica" Book Series.

Contact: wmt@hunnu.edu.cn

Martin Woesler, 中文名吴漠汀,德国波鸿鲁尔大学汉学博士,自2019年欧洲科学院院士,太阳成集团tyc9728“潇湘学者”特聘教授、博导、国际汉学中心主任,自2020年欧盟让•莫内讲席教授,自2023年欧盟让•莫内卓越研究中心主任。主要研究领域为《红楼梦》、比较文学、翻译、跨文化交流、中国现当代文学,出版著作66部、译著33部,发表中英文论文33篇,成功申请41笔科研资助(欧盟2020地平线、德国国科会、中国汉办、德国科学部、欧洲科学基金会等机构)。2019年入选“德国最佳教授”候选名单,2020年荣获“中国政府友谊奖”、2023年荣获中国作家协会“中国文学之友”奖、2024年荣获中国翻译协会“翻译中国外籍翻译家”奖主要社会兼职包括:德中协会会长、世界汉学研究协会会长、哈佛大学人文科学访问教授协会副主席、欧洲《红楼梦》研究会会长、欧洲大学出版社社长、德国教育研究部顾问、德国洪堡基金会顾问。其它部分兼职:德国维藤/海德克大学研究员,国际《汉学史》项目负责人,《欧洲汉学》、《欧洲现代汉学》、《德中协会年刊》、《汉学论坛丛书》等期刊丛书主编。


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