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中心主任:吴漠汀 Martin Woesler




此外,该中心还从事笔译和口译工作,并进行口笔译研究。国际汉学中心与一个约100名自由职业者组成的翻译工作室合作,将中国的资料性书籍和文学书籍翻译成德语和英语,使每年在德国出版的中国书籍的数量几乎翻了一番,由原来的大约11本增加到大约20本。中心现在的目标是将鲁迅的作品翻译成英文和德文。中心主任吴漠汀与赖纳施华茨(Rainer Schwarz )共同翻译完成了中国古典长篇小说《红楼梦》,是首部完整的《红楼梦》德译本。







该中心在2022年接待了几位国际研究员,他们分别是: 林德威博士David Prager Branner(已退休的马里兰大学历史语音学副教授);朱立芸博士Margaret Chu(中国澳门科技大学副教授);Chu Ron Guey博士(从师W.T.Chan and W.T.台湾研究14世纪宋晚期儒学专家;陈荣捷的交换生. 《论述庄子学说》. 哈佛大学出版社,1929249. 厦门大学出版社,2022, General Ed. of The Complete Works of Wing-Tsit Chan);Ole Döring博士(太阳成集团tyc9728教授),Cord Eberspächer博士(太阳成集团tyc9728教授兼波恩大学兼职教授);Mandana Hassanbeigi(获得北京语言大学的学士、硕士和博士学位);Martin Warnke博士(鲁汶大学退休教授,现为客座教授);Thomas Weyrauch博士(德国中国协会董事会成员,曾任德国联邦移民局中国问题科学处成员)。

中心研究人员:中心目前有几位学生正在攻读博士学位,他们是Benjamin Wellsand, M.A.(美国),刘蓉,B.A.(硕博连读),以及即将加入中心的何君,M.A.,和Markus Müller, M.A.(德国)。


合作伙伴有:世界汉学研究协会(澳门和德国威腾)、德中协会、欧盟-中国多层次比较中心(罗马第三大学、西南交通大学、威滕·赫德克大学)、威滕·赫德克大学GKLS主席和Red Hen Lab(加州大学、太阳成集团tyc9728、威滕·赫德克大学)。




Center of Record for Special and Regional Studies

Director of the Center: Martin Woesler

Managing Director of the Center:

Secretary of the Center:

Center Profile:

The International Chinese Studies Centre (ICSC) was founded in September 2020 at the Foreign Studies School of Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China and is located in the Rising Dragon Building, Office no. 309.

The Centre deals with ancient, premodern, modern and contemporary China in all of her aspects from multiple perspectives. It applies research methods from a variety of disciplines. ICSC brings scholars from China and abroad together in research, conferences and publications. It especially encourages cooperation between domestic and foreign experts of the same field. Its focus is on the humanities, but it also conducts research in the field of social-economic developments.

The Centre supports translation, interpretation and research on translation and interpretation. It translates Chinese factbooks and literary books into German and English in cooperation with a translator workshop with around 100 freelancers and has almost doubled the number of Chinese books published annually in Germany from around 11 to around 20. A desideratum is the translation of Lu Xun’s Works in English and German. Together with Rainer Schwarz, the Centre leadership completed the translation of Dream of the Red Chamber, a classic Chinese novel , which is the first complete German translation of the novel.

ICSC publishes translated books, research findings, conference volumes and the academic journals Bulletin of the German China Association (German), European Journal of Chinese Studies (English), European Journal of Sinology (English) and "Hanxue" (Chinese).

The Centre conducts annually in August the World Conference of Chinese Studies in Witten/Germany and an alternating European capital (2020 London, 2021 Brussels, 2022 Berlin), see http://china-studies.com.

ICSC cooperates closely with the EU Jean Monnet Chair with joint seminars and events.

The Centre leadership has received funding from the German Ministry of Education and Science to conduct research on how to enhance cooperation between Germany and China. He has also received funding from the EU to serve as a Jean Monnet Chair 2020-2023.

One of the major research and publication projects is the History of Chinese Studies. Other topics are: Transition of Chinese Society (Book Series "Chinese Testimonials and Historic Documents"), comparison of Chinese Studies abroad (Hanxue) and domestically (Guoxue), evidence-based TCM, effects of filter bubbles and artificially intelligent multimodal communication on education and world knowledge in China, China's Foreign and Self Perception and its role in the world, Transformation Processes in Chinese Society, reception of the Red Chamber Dreams in the West and Optimizing Artificial Intelligence in Machine Translation: Field Study of Human post-editing of Chinese-English/-German machine translations.

The Centre leadership also serves in presidency positions with the World Association for Chinese Studies (founded 2016 in Macao and Witten) and the German China Association (founded 1957 in Hamburg).

The Centre hosts several international fellowsin 2022, they are: Dr. David Prager Branner, retired Assoc. Prof. with the University of Maryland, Historical Phonology, Dr. Margaret Chu, Assoc. Prof. with Macao University of Science and Technology, SAR, China, Dr. Chu Ron Guey, Taiwan, China. Former student of W. T. Chan and W. T. de Bary, 14th Cent. Late Song Confucianism expert. Chin. Transl. of Wing-Tsit Chan: An Account of the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu (Harvard, 1929, 249 pages) Xiamen University Press 2022. General Ed. of The Complete Works of Wing-Tsit Chan, Dr. Ole Döring, Professor with Hunan Normal University, Dr. Cord Eberspächer, Professor with Hunan Normal University, Adjunct Professor with Bonn University, Mandana Hassanbeigi, B.A., M.A. and PhD Beijing Language and Culture University, Dr. Martin Warnke, retired Professor with Leuphana University, Lueneburg, currently guest professor and Dr. Thomas Weyrauch, Member of the Board of the German China Association, former member of Scientific Service on China with the Federal Immigration Office, Germany.

At the Centre, several students work on their PhD degree, including Benjamin Wellsand, M.A. (USA), Liu Rong, B.A. (MA-PhD track) and prospectively He Jun, M.A., Markus Müller, M.A. (Germany).

Tasks and activities of the Centre are to conceptualize national and international Research Grant Applications, to mentor and advise young scholars, to bring together experts in the same field from Greater China and abroad, to publish papers and books, to organise events (lectures, seminars, workshops) and to network with other academics and institutions in the field.

Cooperation partners are: the World Association for Chinese Studies, Macao and Witten/Germany, the German China Association, the EU China Center for Multilevel Comparison (Università Roma Tre, Southwest Jiaotong University, Witten/Herdecke University), the GKLS Chair, Witten Herdecke University and the Red Hen Lab (CalState, Hunan Normal University, Witten Herdecke University).

Research Interests: Literature and Culture in Ancient China, Modern and Contemporary China; Chinese Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Communication

Office Location: Tenglong Building, #309

